Loyalty Club
When you join Bazaar Boutique Loyalty Club, you’ll unlock exclusive rewards as you shop your favourite brands.
Join TodayWhen you join Bazaar Boutique Loyalty Club, you’ll unlock exclusive rewards as you shop your favourite brands.
Join TodayCreate a free account to start earning rewards while you shop
Earn 1 point for every $1 NZD spent at Bazaar Boutique
Every purchase helps you earn points and move up tiers to earn extra rewards
Earn 500 points over the last 12 months and receive a $50 voucher.
Earn 2500 points over the last 12 months and receive a $50 birthday voucher plus Tier 1 benefits.
Earn 5000 points over the last 12 months and receive 5% off all purchases plus a $50 birthday voucher, priority access to all new season arrivals plus Tier 1 benefits.
Earns 10,000 points over the last 12 months and receives 10% off all purchases, a $100 birthday voucher, priority access to all new season arrivals plus Tier 1 benefits.
On items already discounted from the original RRP. On the purchase from which the points were generated. On an order after the order has been placed. On in-store layby payments in store. In conjunction with any other offer or voucher. Loyalty rewards are to be redeemed within 6 months of issue. Points cannot be combined with another account, or transferred to another person. Loyalty discounts may only be used by the holder of the account and not shared with other customers. Items returned that were purchased using the Loyalty discount will be credited/refunded in the NZD price you paid for them. Loyalty rewards will be deducted from your account for returned/credited items. One reward can be redeemed per purchase.
MOS The Label
Kathryn Wilson
Alias Mae